Kumar Sangakkara Biography, contact number, house address, mobile number, biography, email ID, website, filmography, profile, height, weight and other information is provided here along with the residence address.
Here we have provided all the required information regarding Kumar Sangakkara like contact details, email, fax, social links and house address. All details about events, shows, functions, images, wallpapers, updates, tweets, regarding Kumar Sangakkara are provided here.
In this post we are providing you the contact details, social accounts, website, residence address of Kumar Sangakkara. There are many people who crawls the web for various information regarding Kumar Sangakkara so we have all that information required by the user.

Kumar Sangakkara Biography and Profile Details

Below see information about Kumar Sangakkara including latest news, updates, photos, pictures, debut movie, biography, upcoming movies, videos, favourite things, wallpapers, interesting facts about him and more.

Personal Details – Bio of Kumar Sangakkara

§  Date of Birth: 27 October 1977
§  Place of Birth: Matale, Sri Lanka
§  Role: Wicket-keeper, Batsman
§  Batting style: Left hand bat
§  Bowling style: Right arm
§  Height: 1.78 m
§  Father’s Name: Chokshanada Sangakkara
§  Mother’s Name: Kumari Sangakkara
§  Spouse: Yehali Sangakkara
§  Children: N/A
§  Siblings: Vemindra Sangakkara, Thushari Sangakkara, Saranga Sangakkara
§  Nationality: Sri Lankan
Cricketer Kumar Sangakkara Career
Test Debut: 20 July 2000 v South Africa
ODI Debut: 5 July 2000 v Pakistan
T20I Debut: 15 June 2006 v England
Cricketer Kumar Sangakkara Contact Information
Here we are sharing all the contact information of Kumar Sangakkara Residence address, social pages, and all the required information.
Address: Matale, Sri Lanka
Social Links of Cricketer Kumar Sangakkara
 Kumar Sangakkara Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/kumarsanga2
Kumar Sangakkara Instagram Link: N/A

Cricketer Kumar Sangakkara Images:

Kumar Sangakkara



  1. Dear Kumar, I appreciate you as one of the greatest player in Cricket. I as a Christian write this advise to you. One day if you think to enter into politics, have a pro-Israel stand. A nation/person that blesses Israel, will be blessed. God bless you. Athanasius
    Dr. Athanasius Fernandopulle, B. Sc. (Eng.), M. Div., DD

  2. Dear Kumar, I have a great respect for you and also I love my country, Sri Lanka. In order Sri Lanka to prosper, one of the main stands it has to make, is pro-Israel stand. Israel celebrated its 70th anniversary and during this 70 years, Israel had to fight many wars, and all wars were won by Israel how powerful its enemy (many Arab countries) was. In some wars, media reported 'This war cannot be won by Israel without a supernatural hand" God bless you. Athanasius. athanasius@sltnet.lk

    1. Dear Kumar, As a Christian, who believes the Bible, the Word of God, I write this. US President, Mr. Donald Trump acted according to the Biblical Prophecies and made a bold proclamation against all odds that 'Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel' which is Biblical Truth. Passed 'Religious Liberty Law' against LGBT agenda. I predict God will reward him and God will appoint him again to be the US President in 2020. It is not by human votes, but it is from God who revealed to us through Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ, who is King of kings and Lord of lords, who appoint kings and remove kings. Daniel 2:21, Romans 13. God bless you. Athanasius

  3. Glorifying the Name of JESUS CHRIST in UN General Assembly.


    After we gained independence in 1948, until this day no one had the boldness and courage to glorify the Name of Jesus Christ in our Parliament.

    Will someone do it? Sri Lanka to be blessed someone needs to come forward and glorify the Name of Jesus Christ in Parliament. Does someone has the courage to do that even risking his political carrier?

    We are praying for the next President that he would be a…

    • God fearing person.
    • Has some experience with Jesus Christ
    • Friend of the Sri Lankan Church
    • Friend of Israel and will have diplomatic relationship with Israel.
    (This is very important only Israel can defeat IS extremists in Sri Lanka)

    God bless,

  4. Glorifying the Name of JESUS CHRIST in UN General Assembly.


    After we gained independence in 1948, until this day no one had the boldness and courage to glorify the Name of Jesus Christ in our Parliament.

    Will someone do it? Sri Lanka to be blessed someone needs to come forward and glorify the Name of Jesus Christ in Parliament. Does someone has the courage to do that even risking his political carrier?

    We are praying for the next President that he would be a…

    • God fearing person.
    • Has some experience with Jesus Christ
    • Friend of the Sri Lankan Church
    • Friend of Israel and will have diplomatic relationship with Israel.
    (This is very important only Israel can defeat IS extremists in Sri Lanka)

    God bless,

  5. please send me Mr.Sanga's mbl number for invite my best friend wedding as sprice.


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