Julia Roberts Biography, contact number, house address, mobile number, biography, email ID, website, filmography, profile, height, weight and other information is provided here along with the residence address.
Here we have provided all the required information regarding Julia Roberts like contact details, email, fax, social links and house address. All details about events, shows, functions, images, wallpapers, updates, tweets, regarding Julia Roberts are provided here.
In this post we are providing you the contact details, social accounts, website, residence address of Julia Roberts. There are many people who crawls the web for various information regarding Julia Roberts so we have all that information required by the user.

Julia Roberts Biography and Profile Details

Below see information about Julia Roberts including latest news, updates, photos, pictures, debut movie, biography, upcoming movies, videos, favourite things, wallpapers, interesting facts about him and more.

Personal Details – Bio of Julia Roberts

§  Date of Birth: October 28, 1967
§  Place of Birth: Smyrna, Georgia, United States
§  Nationality: American
§  Address: Smyrna, Georgia, United States
§  Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
§  School: Fitzhugh Lee Elementary School, Griffin Middle School, Campbell High School, Smyrna, Georgia.
§  College: N/A
§  Educational Qualification: N/A
§  Hobbies: Knitting, Reading, Yoga
§  Religion: Catholic

Family Details

§  Father’s Name: Walter Grady Roberts
§  Mother’s Name: Betty Lou Bredemus
§  Siblings: Eric Roberts, Lisa Roberts Gillan, Nancy Motes

 Physical Status

§  Height: 1.75 m
§  Measurements: 34-24-35
§  Weight: 58 kg
§  Eye Colour: Light Brown
§  Hair Colour: Blonde

Profession Details

§  Debut Movie: Firehouse
§  Movies: Pretty Woman, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, Erin Brockovich, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Mother’s Day, Eat Pray Love etc
§  Debut Song: N/A
§  Debut TV Show: Crime Story
§  Awards Won: Academy Awards, British Academy Film Awards, Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards etc.
§  Awards Nominated: Academy Awards, British Academy Film Awards, Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Independent Spirit Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards etc.
§  Latest Movie: Money Monster

Favourite Things

§  Actor: N/A
§  Actress: Katharine Hepburn, Aishwarya Rai  
§  Movie: N/A
§  Colour: Green
§  Food: Gravy, Grits, Pasta
§  Destination: N/A
§  Perfume: La Vie Est Belle, Kai, Creed Spring Flower
§  Band: Dave Matthews
§  Accessories: Bangles
§  Books: An Imaginative Woman by Thomas Hardy, The Wild Palms by William Faulkner 
§  Car: Toyota Prius

Boyfriend, Affairs and Marital Status

§  Marital Status: N/A
§  Spouse: Daniel Moder (m. 2002), Lyle Lovett (m. 1993–1995)
§  Children: Hazel Moder, Phinnaeus Moder, Henry Daniel Moder


§  Salary: N/A
§  Net Worth: $150 million

Interesting Facts

Does She Takes Alcohol? Yes
Does She Smokes? Yes
Julia Roberts was the first actress ever to receive $20 million salary for one film.
When she was 10 her father died due to cancer.
She appeared in Steel Magnolias in which her performance was highly appreciated and also won her first Golden Globe Award for it.

Julia Roberts Social Profile Links 

Instagram: N/A

Hollywood Actress Julia Roberts Images:

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