Anupama Verma Biography, contact number, house address, mobile number, biography, email ID, website, filmography, profile, height, weight and other information is provided here along with the residence address.
Here we have provided all the required information regarding Anupama Verma like contact details, email, fax, social links and house address. All details about events, shows, functions, images, wallpapers, updates, tweets, regarding Anupama Verma are provided here.
In this post we are providing you the contact details, social accounts, website, residence address of Anupama Verma. There are many people who crawls the web for various information regarding Anupama Verma so we have all that information required by the user.

Anupama Verma Biography and Profile Details

Below see information about Anupama Verma including latest news, updates, photos, pictures, debut movie, biography, upcoming movies, videos, favourite things, wallpapers, interesting facts about him and more.
Personal Details – Bio of Anupama Verma
·         Date of Birth: July 2, 1981
·         Place of Birth: New Delhi, India
·         Nationality: Indian
·         Hometown: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
·         Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
·         Zodiac Sign: Leo
·         School: N/A
·         College: N/A
·         Educational Qualification: Faculty of Management Studies
·         Hobbies: N/A
·         Religion: Hindu
Family Details 
·         Father’s Name: Navin Chandra
·         Mother’s Name: Kamna Chandra 
·         Brother: N/A
 Physical Status
·         Height: 1.73 m
·         Measurements: 34-24-33
·         Weight: 55 kg
·         Eye Colour: Brown
·         Hair Colour: Black
Profession Details
·         Debut Movie: Grahan 
·         Movies: Pitaah, Vadh, Kya Yahi Pyaar Hai, Chameli, With Luv Tumhaara
·         Debut Song: 
·         Debut TV Show: Ankahee
·         Awards Won: N/A
·         Awards Nominated: N/A
·         Latest Movie: N/A
Favourite Things
·         Favourite Actor: N/A
·         Favourite Actress: N/A
·         Favourite Car: N/A
Boyfriend, Affairs and Marital Status 
·         Marital Status: N/A
·         Boyfriend: N/A 
·         Spouse: N/A 
·         Salary: N/A
·         Net Worth: N/A
Interesting Facts 
Does She Take Alcohol? N/A
Does She Smokes? N/A
Anupama Verma Social Profile Links 

Bollywood Actress Anupama Verma Images:

Anupama Verma

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