Silambarasan Biography, contact number, house address, mobile number, biography, email ID, website, filmography, profile, height, weight and other information is provided here along with the residence address.
Here we have provided all the required information regarding Silambarasan like contact details, email, fax, social links and house address. All details about events, shows, functions, images, wallpapers, updates, tweets, regarding Silambarasan are provided here.
In this post we are providing you the contact details, social accounts, website, residence address of Silambarasan. There are many people who crawls the web for various information regarding Silambarasan so we have all that information required by the user.

Silambarasan Biography and Profile Details

Below see information about Silambarasan including latest news, updates, photos, pictures, debut movie, biography, upcoming movies, videos, favourite things, wallpapers, interesting facts about him and more.

Bollywood Actor Silambarasan Personal Details

·         Real Name:Silambarasan Thesingu Rajendar
·         Date of Birth: 3 February, 1983
·         Place of Birth: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
·         Occupation: Film Actor, Singer, Lyricist, Director, Screenwriter
·         Height: 5’9”
·         Father’s Name:  T Rajendar
·         Mother’s Name:Usha Rajendar
·         Siblings:Kuralarasan Rajendar, Ilakiya Rajendar
·         Spouse: NA
·         Children: NA
·         Nationality:Indian
·         Zodiac:Aquarius
Bollywood Actor Silambarasan Acting Career and Achievements
Debut Movie:Kadhal Azhivathillai
Most Popular Movies:Vallavan, Idhu Namma Aalu, Love Can Never Be Destroyed, Vettai Mannan, Manmadhan, etc.
Awards:Filmfare Awards, Vijay Awards, South Indian International Movie Awards, Edison Awards and many more.
Bollywood Actor Silambarasan Contact Information
Here we are sharing all the contact information of Silambarasan Residence address, social pages, and all the required information.
Address:Hindi Prachar Saba Street, Near Sivaji House, T Nagar, Chennai- 600017, Tamil Nadu, India
Social Links of Bollywood Actor Silambarasan
Actor Silambarasan Facebook Link:
Actor Silambarasan Twitter Link:
Actor Silambarasan Instagram Link:
Actor Silambarasan Official Website:
Actor Silambarasan Official Email Id:NA
Bollywood Actor Silambarasan Images:
Silambarasan Biography, Profile, Photos, Birthday, Height, Age, Wallpapers

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